Category Archives: Marriage

Conservative leader doubles down on gay bashing

Once again a leading member of the Republican Lunatic Tea Party (GOLTP) is demonstrating exactly why they’re continuously getting pummeled on the national level politically; Michigan GOLTP National Committee leader Dave Agema’s defending an article he shared on Facebook suggesting gays and lesbians are responsible for “half the murders in major cities.” Agema’s responded to critics (meaning anyone with half a brain) of the post by declaring the piece was “worth sharing given the debate over gay marriage that is happening in the Supreme Court.”

Republican National Committee's Dave Agema says he’s just trying to maintain the GOLTP's traditional platform (of hate, bigotry and intolerance)

Republican National Committee’s Dave Agema says he’s just trying to maintain the GOP’s traditional platform (meaning of hate, bigotry and intolerance)

But wait, Agema’s not finished! He’s also responding to a GOLTP petition calling for a more inclusive party. According to a release from Grand Traverse County Republican precinct delegate Dennis Lennox, Agema joined the thread and posted: “The real issue is the homosexual community is pushing same-sex marriage which will be taught in schools as an alternative lifestyle.”

Another delegate responded: “Our point is that it is one thing to articulate your values but another to be mean about them. Virtuous decorum is symbolic of a principled man of integrity. Let’s keep the smut on the sidelines.”

Not to be corrected, Agema fired back:

“You have misquoted and maligned — exactly what you accused me of but I didn’t. The people of America have the right to know what lays ahead if the Supreme Court rules the wrong way.”

Of course the “wrong way” means any way but the his way.

“You want to change the landscape of our party in a direction that has not be accepted for over 230 years. I’m trying to maintain our platform. You are trying to change it,” he mewed.

Meaning he wants to keep his white male Christian dominated party of hate, bigotry and intolerance just the way it is thank you very much.

Agema then posted, “Ask yourself what is mean? Ask yourself what facts you are willing to accept or whose studies are valid.”

I’m waiting to see a link to the study that was conducted showing 50% of all murders are committed by gays and lesbians, of course it’s probably next to the one stating the other half are committed by angry old white bigoted conservatives.

Lennox and other state party officials have called for Agema’s resignation:

“After trying to hide his ignorance and bigotry for several days, Dave Agema has finally admitted he seeks to promote hate, viciousness and vitriol instead of the Republican Party’s traditional forward-looking message of equal opportunity for all. Dave Agema’s extremism has no place in our Republican Party.”

Well done Mr. Lennox, Agema’s extremism has no place in 21st century America, much less a major political party. He’s a dinosaur; it’s one thing to oppose same sex marriage, it’s another to make stuff up to continue to build on the hype and fear mongering. Today’s Republican unfortunately has become just that, a party built upon a foundation of hate, mistrust and fear.

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Posted by on April 2, 2013 in Marriage


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Newt Gingrich Discusses Potential Obama Impeachment?

The Huffington Post has reported that former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich has said President Obama has overstepped his constitutional authority with his recent decision to order his administration to stop defending the Defense of Marriage Act. While the move didn’t immediately open Obama up to impeachment, Gingrich claimed, it did raise his worry about a future constitutional crisis.

In an interview with Newsmax, Gingrich characterized the president’s latest announcement regarding DOMA, a law that allows states to not honor gay marriages, as “a dereliction of duty and a violation of his constitutional oath” that “cannot be allowed to stand.”

I’m sorry, but maybe someone whose committed adultery and been married three times shouldn’t be the spokesman for the Defense of Marriage Act.

On Wednesday, Attorney General Eric Holder said the President had determined his administration would no longer defend a law defining marriage as only between a man and a woman, but it would continue to be enforced pending an actual legislative overturn.

Michael Steel, a spokesman for Speaker John Boehner, said in an e-mail he questions why President Barack Obama “thinks now is the appropriate time to stir up a controversial issue that sharply divides the nation” when “most Americans want Washington to focus on creating jobs and cutting spending.”

Well Mr. Steele that objection might carry some actual weight if the GOTP hadn’t wasted its first 100 bills trying to limit federal funding of abortion instead of working on the jobs issue.

Gingrich said this plan of action was unacceptable.

So is committing adultery ex-Mr. Speaker. I guess marriage can be defined by the government, but it’s OK for you and half a dozen other hypocrites on the right to then violate your vows? Perhaps under DOMA the government should make adultery a crime and prosecute individuals like you?

“He swore an oath on the Bible to become president that he would uphold the Constitution and enforce the laws of the United States,” Gingrich said. “He is not a one-person Supreme Court. The idea that we now have the rule of Obama instead of the rule of law should frighten everybody.”

Newt, it’s time for you to come to grips with the fact that a black man, a liberal, is president and deal with it. Conservatives are always yelping about the federal budget; well, how much money is wasted prosecuting DOAM and Don’t Ask Don’t Tell? But those are OK expenditures I suppose? I suppose anything which upholds your southern view of morality is a justified expenditure? You’d have probably been screaming about the fugitive slave law not being prosecuted too.

“Imagine that Governor Palin had become president,” Gingrich said. “Imagine that she had announced that Roe versus Wade in her view was unconstitutional and therefore the United States government would no longer protect anyone’s right to have an abortion because she personally had decided it should be changed. The news media would have gone crazy. The New York Times would have demanded her impeachment.”

Well gee, yeah that would be a problem since its established Constitutional law. By the way, the Administration is making the same decision other administrations have made in the past concerning laws considered to be unconstitutional. And exactly, what is the basis used to determine marriage as being defined as a man and a woman? If it’s in any way defined by religious standards, than under the Constitution that is a violation of the separation of church and state, and hence the law would be unconstitutional.


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