Caldera Not Qualified?

28 Apr

America’s self-proclaimed truth detector has screwed up again. Yes, the man who claims to be right 99.9% of the time has made another mistake.

Jason McLane / AP Photo

Jason McLane / AP Photo

This morning – April 28, 2009 – during his second hour of bloviation, El Rushbo, while attacking the Obama Administration’s horribly bad decision to allow the plane used as a back-up for Air Force to make low altitude flyovers of New York City, claimed the person being held out as responsible isn’t qualified to be in the position of director of the White House Military Office.

Really Rush? Are you 99.9% sure of that?

Louis Caldera, (serving as director of what Rush?) the Director of the White House “Military” Office, is a 1978 graduate of the United States Military Academy, or for all you ditto-heads, West Point. He served his country as an officer in the United States Army from 1978 to 1983.

You’ve never served have you Rush?

Oh that’s right, old football injury. Or would you have had a problem passing the drug screening?

At any rate, not only is Mr. Caldera a West Point graduate, and a veteran, he also served as Secretary of the Army from 1998 to 2001. So who isn’t qualified to do what Rush?

Now, was it a bone headed decision to allow the flyover? Yes it was. But it is important to see the quality in the man who made the decision to allow the flyover, Mr. Caldera. He said he made the decision to allow it, and he apologized for it, and he said he takes full responsibility for the decision.

How refreshing to have people in positions of power who take responsibility for their actions. The previous administration would have probably claimed the pilot made the decision to perform the flyover, and if he hadn’t stepped forward and made that announcement himself, they would have used enhanced interrogation techniques on him until he did.

You, Mr. Limbaugh, are wrong again. What else is he telling his 25% share of the Republican Party (aka his loyal listeners) that isn’t accurate?

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Posted by on April 28, 2009 in Obama Cabinet, Politics


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