Category Archives: FOX PAC


Just a thought…


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Posted by on May 28, 2015 in 2008 Election, 2012 Election, FOX PAC


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‘Fox and Friends’ proves once again brains are not required to host a morning show

In the midst of Hurricane Sandy recovery, “Fox and Friends” is wondering if NBC’s upcoming fundraiser “Hurricane Sandy: Coming Together,” isn’t secretly a campaign event for President Obama.

The benefit, airing tonight is featuring performances by Bon Jovi, Bruce Springsteen, Sting, Christina Aguilera and Billy Joel, among others, but “Fox and Friends” thinks something is rotten in New Amsterdam, because the concert is airing so close to the presidential election.

“Good intention, raise some money for victims, but the timing is more than suspect,” guest host Eric Bolling said. “Is this more political? Is this more, let’s get this thing on TV before the election to help President Obama look more presidential? Or is it more to help out victims?”

“It does look like they’re trying to squeeze it in,” Steve Doocy agreed, pointing out for his audience that Bon Jovi and Bruce Springsteen are avowed Obama supporters, while of course conveniently forgetting they’re also both from New Jersey; too much thinking for Doocy apparently makes his brain hurt.

“Is it a hurricane benefit or a concert for Obama?” he asked. “Where are the conservative performers? How’s NBC going to control what people say?”

Yeah Steve, where are the conservative performers, like Ted Nugent and Hank Williams Jr.? Doocy’s proven once again he’s a douche and a moron all at the same time. Seventy four people are dead, and more than three million in 15 states remain without power, but a benefit concert being held in the same week after “Frankenstorm” slams the area is suspiciously political.  Once again, Steve Doocy is a douche and a moron.


Posted by on November 2, 2012 in 2012 Election, FOX PAC, Right Wing Crazies


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O’Reilly Decries Use of “Nazis in Analogies” — But He Uses Them All the Time?

Media Matters is pointing out typical FOX PAC hypocrisy after Bill O’Reilly discussed the recent uproar over Hank Williams Jr. invoking Adolf Hitler while criticizing President Obama; O’Reilly said that it’s “always bad to use Nazis in analogies.” But O’Reilly himself has a long history of using Nazi analogies.

“He was trying to make an analogy, and [it’s] always bad to use Nazis in analogies — you don’t do this. And he basically said, look, if you get guys together like President Obama and Speaker [John] Boehner it’d be like Hitler playing golf with [Benjamin] Netanyahu,” he said.

“I’m of two minds. It’s dumb to bring Hitler up, you’re absolutely right. Can’t do that in this PC society. But what he said, it isn’t — he isn’t comparing Obama to Hitler. He’s comparing the situation, the strange bedfellows. He’s not saying Obama’s Hitler. Williams isn’t saying that. I mean, I’m just trying to be fair here, OK. But it doesn’t matter, I guess.”

OK, whatever Bill; the only man Williams could find to use in his analogy was Adolph Hitler? No, he meant to compare the President to Hitler, this isn’t some “honest mistake” it was a white red neck comparing the first Black President to the Nazi Dictator.

But even though O’Reilly claims using Nazi analogies is not smart he’s done it a number of times.

On his 2 Mar 2010 program O’Reilly claimed that liberals who support gun control are “today’s totalitarians.” He added that in the past, people like “Hitler and Mussolini” held such positions in favor of “state control.”

In his 16 Jul 2009, syndicated column, O’Reilly wrote, “The far left is trying to create a huge federal apparatus that will promote income redistribution and ‘social justice.’ Also, the left sees a major opportunity to knock out Judeo-Christian traditions, replacing them with a secular philosophy.

“In order to accomplish this, the left-wing media is marginalizing people like Sarah Palin who oppose the strategy. Under the guise of hard news reporting, the media is pushing rank propaganda on the citizenry. Dr. Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi propaganda minister, successfully developed this tactic in the 1930’s.”

On his 10 Mar 2008 program O’Reilly said, “And I said that these tactics that are being used on this website, The Huffington Post, are the same exact tactics that the Nazis used in the late ’20s and early ’30s to demonize certain groups of people, so it would become easier for them, the Nazis, when they took power, to hurt those people.”

On his 27 Feb 2008 program O’Reilly said, “I don’t see any difference between [Arianna] Huffington and the Nazis. … I don’t see any difference.”

On his 16 Jul 2007 program he said that the Daily Kos is “like the Ku Klux Klan. It’s like the Nazi party. There’s no difference here.”

So, oh yes, it’s “always bad to use Nazis in analogies” unless of course you’re Bill O’Reilly.

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Posted by on October 7, 2011 in FOX PAC


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Conservatives Attack Obama For Referring To Birtherism As “Silliness”

Seconds after President Obama concluded his press conference on the release of his long form birth certificate the right-wing media talking heads began attacking him like a murder of angry crows, and all because he dared to call birtherism “silliness” – well, what is it if not silliness? – but then they – right-wing bloviators – really got steamed when he and the First Lady dared to go to Chicago to film an interview for Oprah, followed by fundraising events. And who do ya think was first out of the gates with an attack? Why it was the fine folks at FOX PAC of course.

“The President Said He Doesn’t Have The Time For Such Silliness … [And] As Soon As He Said It, He Got On A Plane … To Do The Oprah Show,” talking head Charles Krauthammer said. “The president is right on this … this is not a serious issue,” however? “[w]e saw how the president said he doesn’t have the time for such silliness … and as soon as he said it, he got on a plane to Chicago to do the Oprah show.”

Fellow FOX Droid Bret Baier added in response, “And then [he] went to New York for some fundraising.”

Ouch, boy does that hurt. Really? This is what you two have to say? The President calls birthers silly, but what’s more silly in the eyes of FOX PAC contributors? Giving an interview to Oprah and attending fund raisers? That’s it? That’s all ya got? And of course, no Republican President ever attended anything as silly as a fund raiser …

But then the little Leprechaun, Sean Hannity, chimed in “[Obama] Said ‘No Time For This Silliness,” But “He Literally Today Went To Fundraisers [And] Taped Oprah.”

The President “literally” taped a show? He didn’t figuratively tape it?If he does something Sean, then it would be literally. You keep using this word, I don’t think it means what you think it means.

Hannity didn’t stop with this one attack however, the little guy devoted several segments to discussing the president’s release of his long form birth certificate.  During one segment, he said, “The president literally today went to fundraisers, taped Oprah, you know, he said, ‘no time for this silliness,’ he has a lot of important things to do. I don’t think taping Oprah and playing golf and his other extracurricular activities is more important than, say, fixing the economy.”Now see, there you go using that word again, he “literally” went to fundraisers. Gee, Sean, you “literally” keep using the word “literally”.

But,you know, you’re so right Sean, fixing the economy is the most important thing, and how many bills has the Republican Tea Party (GOTP) controlled House introduced with the goal of fixing the economy? (cue chirping crickets) Anyone?




Is this thing on?

That’s right, none. But they have had plenty of time to introduce more than 100 bills aimed at ensuring federal money isn’t used to fund abortions; correcting something that is already prohibited.

Of course no FOX PAC attack would be complete with out the brain trust of FOX & FRIENDS chiming in, and chime in they did, spending several segments bashing President Obama for referring to birtherism conspiracies as “silliness” and then of course his having attended fundraisers and taping an interview for Oprah.

Steve Doocy daringly led the FOX & FRIENDS charge, “That’s right, in the 9:00 hour yesterday, Gretchen [Carlson, co-host], right here on the Fox News Channel, in fact, during a Donald Trump press conference, the President of the United States released his long form birth certificate. He was clearly frustrated. At one point, he said, ‘We do not have time for this silliness. We’ve got better stuff to do. I’ve got better stuff to do. We’ve got big problems to solve.’ Said we didn’t have time for silliness — and then he left to be on Oprah.”

Then in charges the sports guy with his really huge intellect, Brian Kilmeade, “It’s going to be on the last Oprah show, so that was it. He went and taped that. But then it was back to business. Three fundraisers in New York City. So … ”

“No time for silliness,” Doocy chimed.

“Yeah, no time for silliness,” Kilmeade rejoined. “Had to go back to work to campaign when he doesn’t have an opponent in the Democratic primary and won’t have a Republican opponent for about a year, but he wanted to raise money, and he did, in the millions of dollars.”

Riveting journalism there boys, truly riveting. Do you guys stay up all night thinking this stuff up? Because it looks like you just pull it out of somewhere, I don’t know where, but …

But wait, these two Einsteins were followed by the queen of silliness, Michelle Malkin.

“[H]ere we have him — had him have his press conference in DC lecturing us about the need to be serious, and then he turned his heels and immediately went to that serious venue, Oprah Winfrey. And then off to New York City for three very serious campaign fund-raisers. He’s on the job.”

You guys are so on top of this, thanks for keeping the trailer court crowd up to date on what is really important out there. I mean, how would they know what to think about this if you three hadn’t been right in the thick of this story?

Seriously, the President of the United States, the first Black President, is hounded for years to present his birth certificate, just to prove, you know, that he’s really an American, and you three have no problem with that? Jim Crow mean anything to you? Or do you think it’s a brand of whiskey?

But why stop with the morons of FOX PAC when we’ve got over a dozen GOTP members of Congress who are either birthers or won’t denounce the idea that Obama wasn’t born in the United States. So-called lawmakers in at least 10 states have introduced birther bills this year. But, hold on, self-appointed leaders of the birther movement are now saying that even this latest gesture by Obama isn’t enough. Yeah, but it’s not silly, or racist, or anything. Just because none of them will accept any document doesn’t mean they’re racist. No it means they are racist and ignorant. C’mon people, none of the previous 43 presidents has ever been asked to produce proof they were born here, only this guy. Why? First, he’s black, and we can’t have one of them in the White House, and second, he has a Muslim father, and we really can’t have one of them in the White House …

Anyone who is engaging in this conspiracy needs to look deep into their soul and ask why this matters. It isn’t because they love America, or because they love the Constitution, it’s because they hate having a Black man as their president.

There is no other logical explanation here. If you are among the group of people who proudly call themselves “birthers” you’re a racist. Sorry, but there it is.


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Beck’s anti-Semitism drove him from the airwaves?

So, FOX PAC finally came to the conclusion Glenn Beck’s vitriol was even too extreme for its viewers, and that he was becoming too big of a liability? Well good for FOX, at least its proven it will only sell out so far.

With the end of the Bush/Cheney era of doom and gloom (which was a perfect breeding ground for Beck’s non stop Chicken Little hyperbole), and as the nation’s economic woes began to turn around, Beck’s apocalyptic conspiracies became less persuasive, and his audience began to drift away. With his followers beginning to drift away, Beck did the only thing he could, he became shriller and shriller. Ironically, it was his shrillness which ultimately led to his dismissal at FOX PAC. Of course, when you become too unhinged even for FOX it’s probably well past time to seek some serious professional help.

As Beckies cries became ever more high-pitched he pushed further into the dark corners of conspiracy, urging his viewers to hoard food and stock pile gold in preparation for the end of civilization as we know it, for the time when dogs and cats would be living together.

His deranged tales spun a wild conspiracy theory of the American left being in cahoots with an emerging caliphate in the Middle East. His rantings became filled with anti-Semitic themes backed by the infamous conspiracy theorist G. Edward Griffin – who has publicly argued that the anti-Semitic tract “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” “accurately describes much of what is happening in our world today”.

But Beckster’s anti-Semitic raves didn’t end there, he’s also described Reform rabbis as “generally political in nature,” adding: “It’s almost like Islam, radicalized Islam in a way.” He’s also regularly attacked Jewish billionaire George Soros, a Holocaust survivor, as a “puppet master” and read descriptions of him as an “unscrupulous profiteer” who “sucks the blood from people.” Beck falsely called Soros “a collaborator” with Nazis who “saw people into the gas chambers.”

On top of attacking Jews, he’s also repeatedly made comments about the President, claiming that President Obama, “has a deep seated hatred of white people,” and is a racist.

It’s all part of what Beck’s FOX PAC colleague Shepard Smith has dubbed the “fear chamber.”

Beck’s career is fast going the way of other broadcasting Dodos, and in losing his mass-media perch, he is following the same path as Father Charles Coughlin, a path that hopefully one day will also be trod upon by Savage, Limbaugh, Hannity and other have wits who regularly spread fear and hate over the airways.


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Glenn Beck leaving FOX PAC

Ding dong the witch is dead; yep, dead as the proverbial door nail; well, at least his FOX PAC show is. How dead? Well, not quite dead yet, but if it were a patient on House, according to the heart monitor it would be going into cardiac arrest … beep … beep … beep … beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep … Glenn Beck’s reign of insanity at FOX PAC will be ending at some undetermined time later this year.

FOX PAC and Beck’s company, Mercury Radio Arts, said Wednesday they will stay in business creating other projects for FOX PAC television and digital, starting with some documentaries Beck is preparing. Yippee, can’t wait to see a Glenn Beck documentary, this will be really informative – no doubt …

Beck’s slide into television oblivion began when during a visit to Fox and Friends he said President Barack Obama had “a deep-seated hatred for white people.”

Just how broken up is FOX PAC management?

“Half of the headlines say he’s been canceled,” Roger Ailes said. “The other half say he quit. We’re pretty happy with both of them.”

Says it all doesn’t it?

But wait a second, Beck isn’t done yet, he has something to say to all of his detractors, “One year from now, you on the left will be crapping yourselves so much, you haven’t crapped in your pants as much as you will a year from now as you did since you were a child, you’ll be making more, you’ll crap yourself more than when you were a baby! And you will find Jesus! You will suddenly find religion and you will be kneeling at some altar lighting candles every day praying to Jesus that Glenn Beck would please just do 5:00 on the Fox News Channel. There’s my prediction…”

Yeah that’s very professional and also very Christian Beck. The likelier prediction Glenn is that you’ll either be in a rubber room somewhere, or you’ll have founded your own church and will be hiding out in your “religious bunker” in the wilderness of southwest Utah.

Beck has gone from mildly amusing to full blown far right wacko in the space of his two year stint at FOX, and he really has no one to blame but himself. You can’t say extreme things over the air. When you do your audience will expect you to continue to do so, and then they will demand that you become more and more extreme. Rush, Hannity, et al, take note. If you’re going to continue to say extreme right wing talking points which have absolutely no resemblance to the truth, eventually it is going to catch up to you.


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The Newt rides the seesaw on Libya no-fly zone

Newt Gingrich spent a lot of badly needed brain cells last week criticizing President Barack Obama for not imposing a no-fly zone over Libya. Now the former House Speaker is lashing out at the White House’s intervention, calling it as “badly run as any foreign operation in our lifetime.”

Really Newt, as “badly run as any foreign operation in our lifetime”? You can’t really be serious? I think Operation Iraqi Freedom will very probably go down as, if not the very worse, than one of the very worse foreign operations of not only our lifetime, but of all time. Second probably only to Xerxes’ decision to invade Greece in what we like to call “Operation Persian Folly”.

“The standard he has fallen back to, of humanitarian intervention, could apply to Sudan, to North Korea, to Zimbabwe to Syria this week to Yemen, to Bahrain,” the Newtered one said on the “Today” show Wednesday morning. “This isn’t a serious standard. This is a public relations conversation.”

As compared to, oh I don’t know? We’re invading Iraq because Saddam is a really, really bad guy, and he dresses funny, and therefore we’re going to take him out? Gee Newt, that thinking could have applied to any number of “bad guys” throughout the globe, like Kim Il-sung, Hu Jintao, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity or maybe even Glenn Beck. Talk about not having a serious standard on foreign policy decisions and U.S. military intervention. But wait, perhaps your standard would be more along the lines of such great successes as selling arms to the Contras? Or sending Marines into Lebanon? Or invading Somalia?

“I would not have intervened. I think there were a lot of other ways to affect Qaddafi. I think there are a lot of other allies in the region we could have worked with,” the Newtster added. “I would not have used American and European forces.”

Yeah, if Newt were President he’d have sent in the guys on camels from Egypt; or maybe he’d tell the rebels if they really loved their country they should grab a congressional aide and have a good old fashioned affair.

Newt seems just a tad bit conflicted these days, just last week, he said he would implement a no-fly zone “this evening.”

“We don’t need to have the United Nations,” he told FOX PAC. “All we have to say is that we think that slaughtering your own citizens is unacceptable and that we’re intervening.”


OK, I’m sorry Mr. Former – I had to resign because I didn’t have any morals and lost my party’s congressional majority – Speaker, with all due respect, did you fall out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way to the ground? Were you dropped – repeatedly – as a child? Yeah, your idea of a foreign policy intervention has no ramifications whatsoever. Did you even bother call President Bush before you stole his plan for the Middle East, or did you come up with this all on your own? This is another really good example, in an ever growing list of examples, as to why you’re in no way remotely qualified to be President. Now, really, just back away from the presidency and you won’t get hurt; don’t make me roll up a newspaper and hit you on the nose with it; just back away like a good boy.


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Huckabee Attacks Portman, Then Beats a Hasty Retreat?

Once again Mike Huckleberry opens mouth, inserts foot, and attempts to run away on one leg. During an interview with right wing conservative radio host Michael Medved, the former Arkansas governor, and quickly becoming non-potential 2012 presidential hopeful, slammed recent academy award winner Natalie Portman for supposedly “glamorizing unwed pregnancy.”

Portman is expecting her first child with her fiancé, Benjamin Millepied, a choreographer whom she met on the set of “Black Swan.” During her acceptance speech, Portman thanked Millepied for “the most wonderful gift,” their baby.

The FOX PAC talking face took issue with that statement, and the entire premise of her pregnancy, calling Portman’s pregnancy “troubling” and suggesting it might “glorify and glamorize” the idea of having children outside of marriage. He claimed, as only a southern white male right wing conservative Christian tool can, that most single mothers aren’t in the same position as Portman in terms of her lifestyle and resources.

“There aren’t really a lot of single moms out there who are making millions of dollars every year for being in a movie,” Huckabee said. “And I think it gives a distorted image … Most single moms are very poor, uneducated, can’t get a job, and if it weren’t for government assistance, their kids would be starving to death and never have health care. And that’s the story that we’re not seeing.”

Of course most single teenage moms aren’t the daughter of Alaska’s governor either, being able to have their baby on the state’s dime and all; but, Mr. Hucksabee never seemed to have a problem with that pregnancy.

The “reverend” continued his assault on Portman saying, “One of the things that’s troubling is that people see a Natalie Portman or some other Hollywood starlet who boasts of, ‘Hey look, you know, we’re having children, we’re not married, but we’re having these children, and they’re doing just fine.’ But there aren’t really a lot of single moms out there who are making millions of dollars every year for being in a movie. And I think it gives a distorted image that yes, not everybody hires nannies, and caretakers, and nurses. Most single moms are very poor, uneducated, can’t get a job, and if it weren’t for government assistance, their kids would be starving to death and never have health care. And that’s the story that we’re not seeing, and it’s unfortunate that we glorify and glamorize the idea of out of children wedlock,” Huckalee continued. “You know, right now, 75 percent of black kids in this country are born out of wedlock. 61 percent of Hispanic kids — across the board, 41 percent of all live births in America are out of wedlock births. And the cost of that is simply staggering.”

But wait people, this was all a big mistake! Just like he never meant to imply anything about President Obama’s citizenship by claiming he was raised in Kenya, Hucksbees is now defending his comments on Portman, insisting he wasn’t trying to “slam” or “attack” her.

“Natalie is an extraordinary actor, very deserving of her recent Oscar and I am glad she will marry her baby’s father,” he said. “My comments were about the statistical reality that most single moms are very poor, under-educated, can’t get a job, and if it weren’t for government assistance, their kids would be starving to death. That’s the story that we’re not seeing, and it’s unfortunate that society often glorifies and glamorizes the idea of having children out of wedlock.”

Yeah, that makes your “non-attack” on Portman ever so much better. Thanks for clarifying that you weren’t attacking her, just all those “other” unwed mothers.

Huckles said he was actually “glad” Portman was planning to marry Benjamin Millepied, the father of her child, and that his comments weren’t meant to be deprecating.

“However, contrary to what the Hollywood media reported, I did not ‘slam’ or ‘attack’ Natalie Portman, nor did I criticize the hardworking single mothers in our country,” he claimed. “My comments were about the statistical reality that most single moms are very poor, under-educated, can’t get a job, and if it weren’t for government assistance, their kids would be starving to death. That’s the story that we’re not seeing, and it’s unfortunate that society often glorifies and glamorizes the idea of having children out of wedlock.”

Ah yes, of course, the self-righteous diet expert was in no way attacking those hardworking single moms who get pregnant, just those slovenly non-working moms of color; you know the ones. The ones Huckleberry said were birthing the “75 percent of black kids … born out of wedlock” and the “61 percent of Hispanic kids.”

Please governor, whatever you do, don’t shut your pie hole. Every time you open it you’re just making it clearer and clearer how you’ve no business thinking you’d ever be a good fit in the Oval Office, and you’re continually giving us all a clear look into the hypocrisy which is the GOTP. No doubt you will always unflinchingly attack the “liberal” Hollywood hoes for being unwed mothers, while always giving the good right wing unwed mothers, like Bristol Palin, a pass.  It makes you wonder though how Huckabee would’ve treated a pregnant unwed, unemployed, betrothed mother from Galilee doesn’t it?


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Huckleberry claims Obama grew up in Kenya?

So, it appears former Arkansas Governor, and FOX PAC hack, Mike Huckabee said in a radio interview that President Barack Obama’s childhood in Kenya shaped his worldview?

Does Huckleberry understand the President didn’t visit Kenya until he was in his 20s? Or has he simply taken a long draft of birther Kool-aid?

Apparently during an interview with New York radio station WOR on Monday the “self promoting” potential Republican – or Grand Old Tea Party (GOTP) – presidential candidate told his interviewer that the President’s youth led him to resent the West, which he said explains why, in Huckabee’s view, Obama’s foreign policy differs so greatly from that of his predecessors.

“One thing that I do know is his having grown up in Kenya, his view of the Brits, for example, (is) very different than the average American,” Huckabee said, pointing to Obama’s decision in 2009 to remove a bust of former Prime Minister Winston Churchill from the Oval Office.

Of course the “Huckster” failed to note that President Obama replaced the Oval Office fixture with a bust of one of his American heroes, President Abraham Lincoln, and moved the Churchill bust to the White House residence.

“The bust of Winston Churchill, a great insult to the British,” Huckabee said. “But then if you think about it, his perspective as growing up in Kenya with a Kenyan father and grandfather. He probably grew up hearing that the British were a bunch of imperialists who persecuted his grandfather.”

We’re really going to keep bringing up the Churchill bust? Huckles let me help you with something. This isn’t World War II.  Great Britain wasn’t offended by the President’s actions; in fact, the only people offended by this were the uber right talking heads of FOX PAC and talk radio.

Regarding his Kenya comments, in true GOTP staff style, the executive director of Huckabee’s political action committee said the former governor simply misspoke about the President’s upbringing.

“When the governor mentioned he wanted to know more about the president, he wasn’t talking about the president’s place of birth — the governor believes the president was born in Hawaii,” Hogan Gidley said. “The governor would, however, like to know more about where President Obama’s liberal policies come from and what else the president plans to do to this country — as do most Americans.”

Ah yes, of course that’s what he meant. Excuse me?

Apparently GOTP candidates and staffers really do believe voters are stupid and will buy whatever they claim. Mr. Gidley, what do you take us all for? Unfortunately for you, and your boss, we don’t all watch FOX PAC, and we don’t all spend our days having our minds turned to pabulum listening to Rush, Hannity et al. Huckleberry meant to say Kenya. He meant to make the connection of “foreigner” in the White House; “African” in the White House; “Muslim” in the White House. He meant to pander to the Tea Party/Birther types on the fringe, and this is just one more example of why he’s not ready for the prime time and why he’s not presidential.


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Egypt Moves East, Film at 11?

The graphic artists at FOX PAC have moved the country of Egypt. Yes, it’s true. Egypt has been moved to where Iraq used to be.

Such a move would have made it much easier for Moses, no Red Sea and all, and of course by moving Egypt into Iraq we don’t have to worry about that whole Iraq situation any longer.

Makes you wonder what else the News folks at FOX PAC have screwed up.

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Posted by on January 31, 2011 in FOX PAC


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